Is It Necessary To Wear Orthodontic Retainers After Braces
When the time arrives that you’re finally getting your braces removed, you’re not 100% through with your orthodontist visits. You will be fitted for a retainer, an orthodontic appliance that is worn after braces are removed that is custom made just [...]
What Are The Differences Between A Dentist and An Orthodontist?
An orthodontist specializes in esthetic alignment of the teeth. This means that orthodontic alignment such as braces and clear alignment treatment (ex. Invisalign) is the primary focus of an Orthodontist. After dental school, the orthodontist will receive a dental degree and [...]
Braces straighten teeth, Retainers KEEP them straight
When you’re in the middle of your orthodontic therapy, it can be difficult to believe that one day, those braces will come off! Everyone reminds you to focus on the results of that beautiful smile you’ll have in the end. That can be challenging [...]
Why Correcting An Overbite Is Important
IT IS A COMMON MISCONCEPTION to think that orthodontic treatment is simply for aesthetic purposes. In reality, having crooked teeth or a misaligned bite can have lasting effects on your oral health. So, what if you have an overbite? Fixing your overbite, or any kind of [...]
Why Straight Teeth?
TO SOME, IT MIGHT seem like the benefits of having straight teeth are purely cosmetic. And those benefits certainly do exist. Studies have shown that people tend to perceive someone with straight teeth as wealthier, happier, and more date-able than someone with crooked teeth. But there are [...]
Your Orthodontic Appliances
Your Orthodontic Appliances WHAT’S THE FIRST THING you think of when you hear the word orthodontics? You probably picture metal wires and brackets with colorful elastics, right? But how familiar are you with some of the other orthodontic appliances available? There are quite a few of [...]
Severe Open Bite with surgical treatment
Case Gallery: Severe Open Bite Then Even a well trained orthodontist would admit that a skeletal open bite is one of the most difficult cases to treat. Even with the bite closed, results may be unstable. Many malocclusions can be fixed without surgical intervention. [...]
Severe Deep Bite
Case Gallery: Severe Deep Bite Then Severe deep bites usually come with a gummy smile and some form of palatal trauma. This patient had a deep bite from tipped back teeth and was unhappy with her gummy smile. Now
Missing and peg lateral incisors
Missing and Peg Lateral Incisors Incisors are the first teeth that a baby develops around 6 months old. They are the front four teeth on the top and the front four on the bottom that are used take bites of food. Between 6 [...]
Affordable Financing
We make Orthodontic treatments like braces for kids and adults affordable with our 0% Interest, in-house financing with affordable, flexible payment plans. You can also finance via Care Credit, Lending Club and Orthobanc and we proudly accept most PPO Insurances and VA Medicaid. Verify your insurance coverage.